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System Name : Georgeson
Catagory: Pre-Nova System
Position in System: 4 (of 4)
Number of Moons: 2
Combat Areas: 1 Continent
Planetary Benefit: Weapons Technology

Climate: Temperate
Landmass: Continent
Terrain: Rivers, hills, lakes, mountains, beaches
Facilities: 17
Capitol: None

The planet that Cyssor is on may not last more than a few more decades. Its sun is unstable and is on the verge of tearing itself apart, exploding outward and destroying its solar system. Already the skies burn with the extra radiation and flares that beat against the upper atmosphere.

The planet itself occationally tremors and shakes against the coming storm, but is generally still stable. In ages past, these quakes shook this continent until it broke and the pieces that remain look more like islands than an intact continent.

Bridges span the many waterways on this island continent and it still has the tallest mountain on the planet. Commanders will recognize the many traffic flow bottlenecks and the centrally located Dropship Center in the middle of Cyssor.

Gunuku reigns as Capitol of this doomed planet, sitting on its central island, surrounded by its sub-capitols.





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